Teen Idle ~ Kennedy Shaw ~ Nylon Ghost ~ Maria Mirenzi
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PM Teen Idlebasically a cardiac surgeon, but with a guitar not a scalpelhttps://teenidle.bandcamp.com/track/burning Kennedy Shaw18 yr old singer/songwriter from south jersey, my first EP is Makeout Machine. I like to rip my heart out on stage with teenage girl screams.https://kennedyshaw.bandcamp.com/ Nylon Ghostsongs from a dream you never hadhttps://nylonghost1.bandcamp.com/ Maria Mirenzisongs with electric guitar, mostlyhttps://mariamirenzi.bandcamp.com/
Escape from the Zoo ~ Hans Gruber & the Die Hards ~ The Looms ~ Matt Pless
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM Escape from the ZooIt’s very rare to find music that makes you think, feel and want to mosh simultaneously, but with Countin’ Cards, Escape From The Zoo has struck the perfect balance between all three. It’s something that the band – the louder, faster, punk project that Days N’ Daze’s Jesse Sendejas co-founded with his wife Veronica – has always done, but never quite to this extent. Much of that is down to the circumstances that led up to the recording of these nine songs – most obviously a global pandemic that allowed for intense self-reflection. That was true for both Sendejas and We The Heathens’ Elliot Lozier, who recorded this album and played bass and drums on it.“I think both of us were sitting at home with not much to do,” recalls Sendejas. “It was probably a really introspective handful of months for everybody, but we both get stuck in our heads a lot. We get hit hard with waves of solipsism, where it feels like we’re the only people on the planet. That’s a weird and scary feeling, and it forces you to look at yourself because that’s the only thing that feels real at the time. So a lot these songs are Elliot and I sorting through thoughts and feelings and trying to make sense of why we’re having them and what they mean.” That solipsistic self-awareness coincided with something equally as influential and important for Sendejas – the fact that, on a tour Days N’ Daze went on just before the pandemic hit, he got sober. So not only do these songs offer up deep and poignant existential questions about life – as well as the social and political constructs that surround and consume it – but they’re also a reflection of Sendejas’ newfound clarity and the path he’s now trying to take.“I’ve definitely not been without my slipups,” he admits. “A lot of the album is about trying to be a better friend and bandmate and person overall, and struggling with wanting to do that really, really badly – but also knowing that instant escape and gratification and comfort is a drink or a pill away. And I’m just trying to reason that in my mind, and find a path that seems doable and one that I can actually stay on for once.” Hans Gruber and the Die HardsHans Gruber and the Die Hards brand of punk/ska mashes genres together like a toddler eating chocolate cake – with messy intensity for maximum enjoyment. From Boston hardcore to Colombian cumbia, southern gospel to crossover thrash, their live shows are filled with pits, sock puppets, conga lines and confusion – if you are nihilistic enough to jump in feet first. Matt PlessLyrical “hippie punk” folk rock. Follow me @MattPless!https://mattpless.bandcamp.com/ The LoomsAnarcho-Folk punks occupying the imperialist territory known as ‘South Jersey!’ https://thelooms.bandcamp.com/music
Descartes A Kant ~ Quick Chills ~ Star Carr
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM Descartes A KantArt rock.https://descartesakant.bandcamp.com/ Quick ChillsQuick Chills is a high-energy, rock ‘n’ roll powerhouse trio fusing alternative, punk, and indie rock that channels the currents of decades past while propelling into the unexplored territories of tomorrow.https://quickchills.bandcamp.com/ Star Carrhttps://starcarr.bandcamp.com/
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:00 PM GRLwoodMade up of guitarist/singer/songwriter/dummer Rej Forester, the self-proclaimed “Kentucky-fried queerdo” established GRLwood novemeber, 2016. Since then, GRLwood has been playing nonstop and have formed a strong following in their hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. They have been praised for the community they’ve cultivated, their explosive live performances, and most of all for their fearless and tireless gusto when it comes to dismantling the patriarchy and other toxic heteronormative ideologies through their music. GRLwood has been featured by the likes of Billboard, NPR, AV Club, BTRtoday, Pandora Blog, Wussy Mag, and many more.
Single Mothers ~ Gumm ~ SOLD
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM Single MothersSingle Mothers broke up in 2009, 2011, 2015 and have been playing shows ever since. Founded by Drew Thomson in 2008 Single Mothers only relied on only one main principle: it wouldn’t have any members. For the most part – they have stayed true to that, and only that. Spanning a discography of genera morphing LP’s and a myriad of EP’s the only constant is that none of it sounds the same. Each album has different members, different song writers, different ideas. For a while there were even two versions of the band going at the same time, with completely different people. Through all this Thomson left the band and moved to Swastika, Ontario to be a gold prospector. Single Mothers continued without him. While Thomson was searching for gold in Northern Ontario Single Mothers released their first S/T EP, which they recorded before he left, with Jeremy Bolm’s (Touché Amoré) Secret Voice Records. The band with no members played a sting of shows with different singers before Thomson returned. That EP sent the band touring with Title Fight, Quick Sand, Touché Amore, The Bronx and many others. The first LP Negative Qualities was recorded twice, produced by Joby Ford (The Bronx) and came out in 2014 – 10 years ago, on XL Records imprint Hot Charity to critical acclaim and led to festival appearances like Pitchfork Fest, Redding & Leeds, Primavera Sound, Riot Fest and many others. Then, as Single Mothers were picking up speed, they fell apart and started over. Now, 10 years later – in celebration of the record that tried to kill them, they’re back to play it in full. “These are the best songs from the worst years of my life.” Thomson recounts, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” GummGumm is a hardcore punk band from Chattanooga, TN. Their debut LP Slogan Machine released in 2023 through Convulse Records. SOLD
Montecarlo ~ Primadonnaz ~ Jaelyn
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 7:00 PM MonteCarloMonteCarlo’s distinctive sound can be described as a fusion of Velvet Revolver’s electrifying energy with the haunting melodies reminiscent of Alice In Chains. The band currently has a plethora of material for fans to immerse themselves in on deck- including live shows, music videos, a full-length album and an additional EP, “Synthetic World”, due out August 11th, 2023.https://montecarlotheband.com/music PrimadonnazGlam rock / punk band from Philadelphia. https://www.facebook.com/primadonnazband/ JaelynPhiladelphia’s JAELYN plays hard rock/ progressive metal with nods to post hardcore and post punk. Featuring current or former members of boy sets fire, Iron Roses, Option and Label The Traitor.https://jaelyn.bandcamp.com/
Calling All Captains ~ Goalkeeper ~ Midfield
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:00 PM Calling All CaptainsOriginating from the outskirts of Edmonton, Alberta, Calling All Captains is a dynamic pop punk/post hardcore band that comprises Luc Gauthier on vocals, Brad Bremner on guitar and vocals, Connor Dawkins on guitar and vocals, and Tim Wilson on drums. Together, they have embarked on an exciting musical journey, earning a reputation for their electrifying performances and heartfelt song writing. The band’s newest release “Unlike Me,” dropped on June 7th, 2023, via New Damage Records. With a daunting yet upbeat musical score, the song showcases Calling All Captains’ ability to tap into the raw emotions of their listeners. Addressing the universal experience of feeling inadequate while growing up and comparing oneself to others, “Unlike Me” offers a relatable narrative that resonates deeply.https://callingallcaptainsband.com/Goalkeeper When opportunity knocks, Philly natives Goalkeeper are the ones answering the door. Ryan Beebe (Singer/Bassist), Marc Juliano (Guitarist), and Cody Ritchie (Drummer), came together at a critical point to create the perfect storm of melodic hooks and hard hitting pure pop punk.https://www.goalkeeperband.com/ MidfieldHot riffs, catchy hooks and amped up melodies bring about the electricity the band loves about pop punk music, all the while intertwined with lyrics rooted in self reflection and sometimes somber messages.https://midfield.bandcamp.com/
The Darts ~ Ronald Reagan? The Actor? ~ Kiss Boom Bah
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMThe DartsGarage-punk-rock grrls will make your head slam and your feet shake. And then there’s the music.https://thedartsus.bandcamp.com/album/boomerang Ronald Reagan? The Actor?Ronald Reagan? The Actor? is an instrumental space-funk/surf groove trio based in Philadelphia PA. Their music has the strange ability to put you in a dreamy trance but with a groove to latch onto.“I guess you guys aren’t ready for that, yet. But your kids are gonna love it.” https://ronaldreagantheactor.bandcamp.com/ Kiss Boom Bah https://sweettime.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-our-tree
Murphy’s Law ~ BEEF

AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 7:00 PMMurphy’s LawMurphy’s Law is an American hardcore punk band from New York City, formed in 1982.www.bandlink.comBEEFThicc philly hardcorehttps://www.instagram.com/beef.phl/
Lambrini Girls ~ Ekko Astral ~ Kelsey Cork and the Swigs
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 8:00 PMLambrini GirlsFlying the nest with a dream to curate slut vibes nationwide, Lambrini Girls became the gayest band to ever win 50 consecutive Eurovision contests in a row. With inspirations drawn from shit punk to noise rock ; not only do Lambrini Girls plan on setting your bin on fire- they want to create spaces at shows for anyone who feels like there isn’t a place for them there already. No one deserves to feel uncomfortable, no one deserves to feel invisible, start conversations with your mates, never let anyone stop you existing authentically and most importantly: Gays to the front.https://lambrinigirlsband.bandcamp.com/Ekko AstralEkko Astral are a glitter noise punk band from Washington DC composed of Jael Holzman (vocals and lyrics, guitar), Liam Hughes (lead guitar), Miri Tyler (drums), Guinevere Tully (bass), and Sam Elmore (rhythm guitar). Holzman — who works by day as a reporter in Congress — formed the band in 2021 with Hughes, her best friend since college. The group takes their name from a lyric on the Death Grips “ComeUp And Get Me”, and their music unquestionably mirrors that band’s “fuck-you” proclivity for loud instrumentation and relentless, rebellious verve.https://ekkoastral.bandcamp.com/ Kelsey Cork and the SwigsRock and roll Kool-Aid… take a sip.https://kelseycorkandtheswigs.bandcamp.com/album/lollygagger