Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel ~ Bootblacks ~ Rosegarden Funeral Party

*All events are 21+ valid ID required for entry*7 PM Doors7:30 PM ShowJAY ASTON’S GENE LOVES JEZEBELFor a band to stay relevant across decades is unusual — but to do so with much of the same line-up for most of that time is exceptional. Such is the case with Gene Loves Jezebel, which indicates that these musicians come together not only out of an appreciation for the memorable music they create, but also because they truly like and respect each other. Jay Aston (vocals), James Stevenson (guitars), Pete Rizzo (bass) and Chris Bell (drums) — with Peter Walsh producing — have created extraordinary GLJ songs for 30 years now. With their new album, they honour that legacy by expanding it.https://genelovesjezebel.co.uk/BOOTBLACKSBrooklyn post-punk.http://www.bootblacks.net/ROSEGARDEN FUNERAL PARTYRising from the inferno of heartbreak with a determination towards gentility, humility, graciousness, and kindness, Rosegarden Funeral Party takes influence from life’s tragedies and spins chaos into beauty. Leah Lane fronts the band with a voice like that of the lovechild between Morrissey and Siouxsie Sioux and her guitar playing has been compared to that of Daniel Ash. with bass playing that takes obvious inspiration from Peter Hook. With synths trapped in the loving arms of the 1980’s, rhythmic percussion and drums inspired by dark dance floors, Rosegarden Funeral Party prove to be the second-coming of traditional goth.https://www.rosegardenfuneralparty.com/