Franny Lane ~ Toads ~ Dreamers Do

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMFRANNY LANEBandcampTOADDREAMERS DOphilly-based garage rock/noise pop/shoegaze solo project

Jacob Daley ~ go4broke ~ Jack Iris

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMJACOB DALEYeverything’s in scaffoldingSpotifyGO4BROKEmy brain’s fried, i don’t wanna go outside. JACK IRIS…stuck in psychosis. philly psych pop. 

Caring Less ~ DEAN ~ Goth Goth

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Caring LessCaring Less is a rock band from Philadelphia, PA. The band formed in early 2019 when Sara, Ryan and Nathan  met on the Philly DIY forums online. Not long after meeting for the first time, the three started playing covers of Fleetwood Mac songs and adapting Sara’s previously acoustic music to be played by a full band. Sara pulled  in Nicholas to drum, and the foursome was set. The band’s music combines the shimmering, heavy guitars of  indie legends Soccer Mommy and Petal with lyric and vocal styles reminiscent of the soulful Joni Mitchell and  Jeff Buckley. Caring Less has been playing shows at venues all over the Philadelphia area, including The Grape  Room, Khyber Pass Pub, and West Philly’s famous Porchfest music festival.  The core of Caring Less’s music is lead singer Sara Johnson’s expressive and evocative vocals. Nathan Garfield  sings backup vocals and plays lead guitar, Ryan Acito holds down the bass lines and Nicholas Kreh keeps it  all together with the drums. Caring Less spent the summer of 2021 recording and perfecting their first major  release, an EP due in Summer 2022. This EP has six songs demonstrating the depth and breadth of their unique  sound.   Sara has spent the last four years recording and publishing music under her solo project Stone Cold Grace. Nathan  is one half of The Goodin Brothers and has published music since 2015 under the name Special Something. Ryan  and Nicholas bring their own past experience to the band, having played in numerous underground bands  around Philly. Goth

Havok + Toxic Holocaust ~ I Am ~ Hammerhedd ~ DJ Keith Cruelty (The Loft)

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM HAVOKInspired by the burgeoning American thrash metal revival of the mid-2000s, Denver’s Havok assembled in 2004 with an aggressive style that evoked Bay Area thrash legends like Exodus, Metallica, and Testament. Havok’s self-financed early releases got them signed to Candlelight Records, which released Havok’s debut album, Burn, in 2009 and then sent them off to tour with bands like Exodus, Anthrax, Destruction, Primal Fear, and Hammerfall. All of this roadwork only tightened up the group’s impressive chops, and prepared members David Sanchez (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Reece Scruggs (lead guitar), Jessie de los Santos (bass, backing vocals), and Pete Webber (drums) for the recording of their sophomore album, Time Is Up, released in early 2011. Michael Leon replaced de los Santos on bass for 2013’s Unnatural Selection, which earned positive reviews and saw Havok make their Billboard debut. TOXIC HOLOCAUSTA punitive thrash metal project influenced by hardcore punk, west coast hard rock, and proto-death metal bands of the late 90’s such as Discharge, Hellhammer, and Venom, Toxic Holocaust is largely a one- man operation run by Oregon native Joel Grind. Emerging in the lates, the project eventually expanded into a live entity, and by 2020 the group had issued six well-received full-length albums and multiple EPs. Grind founded the band in 1999 in the city of Portland. Writing and recording all of the group’s music himself, he issued a pair of demos (1999’s Radiation Sickness and 2002’s Critical Mass) before unleashing the project’s first full-length effort, Evil Never Dies, in 2003.I AMBrandishing a unique blend of furious thrash and death metal like a weapon of mass destruction, I AM is purely no-nonsense in their patented “Texas Death” assault. Armed with riffs, speed, and overwhelming power, “I AM writes songs that make you want to move” (Decibel Magazine). Across three full-length slabs of bludgeoning intensity and snarling rage, I AM put a Southern stamp and revitalized swagger into deathcore, a subgenre rarely as raw, energized, and diverse as this band. In the spirit of fellow Southern icons Pantera and newer Texan heroes Power Trip, I AM channels discontent and anger into empowering anthems, as likely to inspire a grueling workout as to incite the pit. HAMMERHEDDAbe quit baseball, Eli quit his after-school job, and Henry dropped out of college. The three Ismert brothers who make up Hammerhedd have a natural gift and a greater calling. Perhaps the definition of les enfants terribles, these metal-minded midwesterners from Kansas City are mostly too young to get served at the venues they slay, but you wouldn’t know it to hear their music. Drawing comparisons to contemporaries like Gojira, Meshuggah, and Mastodon, Hammerhedd blend heavy genres into a perfect sludge of driving rhythms, brutal distortion, and just a tinge of melodic mischief. DJ KEITH CRUELTYUnearthing the most hellish sounds from the depths of the heavy metal graveyard, DJ Keith Cruelty will be unleashing a Heavy Iron Fist of Metal Up Your Ass between sets: COMPLETE AND TOTAL STREET METAL HELL!!! All Vinyl. No Reissues and No requests!

Connor Bracken and the Mother Leeds Band ~ Two Good Eyes ~ The Scouts

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMCONNOR BRACKEN & THE MOTHER LEEDS BANDConnor Bracken and the Mother Leeds Band play Rock and Roll music and are based in Asbury Park, New Jersey. The band’s latest studio album, ‘Nightbird Motel’ released in 2020, sold out multiple live shows at House of Independents, Asbury Park, NJ and the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square, NYC. Classic Rock Magazine and SiriusXM Radio have featured the band, which helped kick open the door to the rest of the country. For fans of Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, and The Killers.CB&MLB are set to release their latest single “Lies”, which has cemented their standing as Asbury Park’s emissary of Rock and Roll. Frontman and guitarist Connor Bracken, drummer Rich Seyffart, and bass player Chris Dubrow have been joined by their newest member Dee DiMeola on guitar. This line-up is primed for the bigger and better in 2022 and beyond. TWO GOOD EYESDebuting in November of 2021, Two Good Eyes is an explosive three piece rock n roll machine based out of Philadelphia PA. Drawing on influences such as the Police, Green Day, and Ben Folds Five, Two Good Eyes strives to bring raw, minimally produced, original rock n roll music back to the forefront of today’s music scene. Featuring Nolan Gardner on bass and lead vocals, Nathan Hurdle on lead guitar, and Matthew Chenery on the drums, the band can be seen performing regularly around the Philadelphia area and is currently working on their debut LP set for a summer 2023 release. THE SCOUTSThe Scouts are a five-piece indie rock outfit based out of Lancaster, PA. Formed by four friends in high school, the group has consistently produced thoughtful, anthemic songs that are sustained by evocative guitar melodies and punchy rhythms. Since the release of their debut EP in 2019 and a handful of singles in the years following, The Scouts have adopted elements of the shoegaze and post-punk genres, introducing a fifth band member in 2022 to add synthesizer to its spacious sound. While harnessing a youthful melancholy that accompanies growing up in a small town, The Scouts make music that’s wistful enough to make you reflect, but dynamic enough to make you crowd surf.Bandcamp

POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES ~ Driftwood Soldier ~ Jason McCue

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES SoldierDriftwood Soldier isn’t your average mandolin-bass foot-stomping gutter-folk duo. Growling and crooning, muttering about lost love, brimstone, and the glorious view from the underside of a rusty world order, Owen holds the rhythm on mandolin and foot percussion. To his left, Bobby stretches bass notes into lyrical vines that vibrate somewhere north of your liver and flower unexpectedly at night. This is the kind of roots music that grows through the cracks in a West Philly sidewalk and drinks its rainwater laced with motor oil. Their second full-length album, Stay Ahead of the Wolf, arrived late in 2019. It was produced with Erin McKeown and mixed by Grammy winner Ted Hutt. Unfazed by a world in disarray, Stay Ahead of the Wolf crawled up onto its four legs and went barrelling through the digital ether, carrying with it this strange beast’s howl.https://driftwoodsoldier.comhttps://driftwoodsoldier.bandcamp.com McCueJason McCue is an indie-folk artist. After moving to Seattle for college, Jason gained musical notoriety for competing and placing first in the 2017 MoPOP Sound Off! Competition for Pacific Northwest artists who are 21 and under. He went on to perform his set at distinguished festivals such as Bumbershoot, Timber, and Doe Bay Festivals, and released his records PANGAEA and Wasteland off Portland’s treasured Fluff and Gravy Records. After graduating from Seattle University, Jason packed up his guitar, stuffed his suitcase into a Toyota Corolla, and started touring to every corner of the continental U.S. He now finds himself in Philadelphia, where he’s currently performing regularly. In September 2022, Jason’s released his latest album, “Screen, Turn On” with Fluff and Gravy Records. 

Tom The Mail Man Presents: The 710S Tour (Cambridge Hall)

**All Ages** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Tom the Mail ManTom the Mail Man is from Monroe, Georgia – a country town about an hour outside Atlanta. He’s a multi-genre artist who emphatically avoids putting a label to his music, instead focusing on creating a world for his fans to come together as one community. Recently, he’s been featured in PAPER magazine and Pigeons & Planes, performed at Life is Beautiful, partnered with Trojan Magnum and UPROXX for a documentary feature, and racked up more than 65 million streams across DSPs.

Agent Orange ~ Spice Pistols ~ Tone Bandits

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 6:30 PM Show: 7:00 PM Agent OrangeThe Original Southern California Punk/Surf Power Trio, Agent Orange, is one of only a handful of bands who have been continually active since the earliest days of the West Coast Punk Scene. A small circle of musical rebels who came together to form a movement, they took their place front and center to experience and participate in the explosion of now legendary underground music that was created during the golden era of American Punk Rock. Being the first to combine the melodic California surf guitar sound with the frantic energy of punk, Agent Orange invented the formula that would come to define the Orange County punk sound. Highly influential to many of the bands who have followed in their path, Agent Orange have always stayed one step ahead. Their strong connection to the Action Sports world has resulted in their music providing the soundtrack to numerous major motion pictures, video games, surf and skate films, television, and live sports events. The last of the true independents, Agent Orange have managed to stay true to their roots, while always moving forward. Powered by a loyal following built up through years of explosive live performances all over the world, Agent Orange continue to deliver their Fullblown-Supercharged-Punk-Surf Sound on an international basis, with a never ending schedule of tours in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. C’mon down front and expose yourself to Agent Orange.Spice PistolsWhat if… What if you could take the attitude and raw rock and roll fury of the Sex Pistols and fuse it with the sass and fun of the Sp ice Girls? This was the question Hairy Scary Spice (Mike Muellenberg) asked himself, and the rest of the world in 2017. Ginger Binger Spice (John Risdon) and Maybe Baby Spice (Michael Fairchild) were brought on board with Shorty Sporty Spice (Mike Van Dyle) as the genesis of The Spice Pistols. In their first year as a band they performed on Americas Got Talent, and were summarily x’d out of existence by Simon Cowell. He relented that the Spice Pistols sounded better than the original. But still, fuck you Simon! Ov er the next few years the band went through a few drummers and has worked with James Lightbody, Dider Suarez, Dave Klein, Rick Agnew, and Jim Isaac. They played shows in the Southern California area as well as recording and releasing a demo . In 2020, the core line up added Mosh Posh Spice (Doug Walker) and began touring. After a successful tour supporting seminal punk rockers Agent Orange, the Spice Pistols are releasing music through Pacific Records and Wet Records. The Spice Pistols fuse fun and playfulness with a high energy powerful rock show, and are ready to bring their particular brand of party to a stage near you!Tone Bandits With members hailing from the London, New York, and San Francisco rock scenes, the Tone Bandits are pure Philadelphia energy, with roots in straight ahead rock & roll and punk rock.  Ready for a classic melodic two-guitar attack with real Philly punk energy?  That’s exactly what’s dished up by the Tone Bandits!

The Messenger Birds ~ The False Alarms ~ Fury in Few ~ Blood Bücket

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM at Kung Fu NecktieThe Messenger Birds False Alarms in Few BücketNorth Philly’s Blood Bücket is a thrash metal outfit that can be seen playing in bars as well as DIY venues both in and around the city. Taking heavy inspiration from old school death and thrash metal artists such as Death, Demolition Hammer, Cancer, Sepultura, Slayer, & Possessed, Blood Bücket brings hard hitting riffs, guttural vocals and explosive drumming to the stage with hopes to see some angry faces and circle pits.

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