**CANCELED** Bad Cop/Bad Cop ~ The Homeless Gospel Choir

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Bad Cop/Bad CopIt’s been a hectic couple of years since Los Angeles punk quartet Bad Cop/Bad Cop dropped their debut full-length, Not Sorry. The band spent a huge chunk of the intervening time on the road, like most bands do—and they wound up discovering some ugly things about themselves, like most bands do. Only for Bad Cop/Bad Cop, it got very serious, very quickly. “We were on the Fat Wreck Chords 25th anniversary tour in 2015, and Stacey was partying really hard,” says co-vocalist Jennie Cotterill. “She ended up bottoming out on the tour, and we had to leave. It was not a good separation. We had to go home and drop off the tour and figure out if we were still a band, what are we going to do about Stacey… Thankfully, Fat helped send her to detox, and she came out of that as a completely new person with a totally different trajectory. Before that, she was demonically possessed. She was destroying everything around her.” Out of that experience came “Amputations,” one of the highlights on Bad Cop/Bad Cop’s explosive second album, Warriors. The song is a slower, bigger sing-along than anything else in the band’s growing catalog, and it’s about the only thing not at a breakneck pace on the record.http://www.badcopbadcopband.com/The Homeless Gospel ChoirThe Homeless Gospel Choir is a punk band based out of The United States of America.Brainwash. Brainwash.https://www.thehomelessgospelchoir.com/

Wallace, Tonight! ~ Faceplant ~ Friend

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMWALLACE, TONIGHT!MusicFACEPLANTWe play all the hit pop/rock songs by popular artists spanning from 60’s to present.https://linktr.ee/faceplant.phl FRIENDPhilly goblin punk.https://linktr.ee/friend_ 

The Very Nowhere ~ Electives ~ Blackelijah

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMTHE VERY NOWHEREInstagramELECTIVESElectives is an instrumental power trio from Lancaster, PA.Detail-oriented grooves with flavors of rock, Latin, and jazz.https://electives.bandcamp.com/ BLACKELIJAHRnB artist currently living in philly.SoundCloud

The Fall Fadeaway ~ luckystar ~ Fate’s End

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMTHE FALL FADEAWAYLUCKYSTARFATE’S END”A twenty-year reunion show for The Fall Fadeaway, luckystar & Fate’s End.” 

Cathedral Bells ~ Makeout City ~ Blood Sound

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Cathedral BellsOrlando, Florida’s shoegaze-by-way-of-bedroom-pop artist Cathedral Bells (a.k.a. Matt Messere) formed in 2018. Joined by Griffin Martbe, Miguel Pais, & Jordan Bermudez. “Step into the world of Cathedral Bells. It’s a place at once familiar yet new; bright yet dusky; fast-paced yet calming. The captivating fusion of wistful dream-pop and airy shoegaze that Messere puts together here sees to all that, with its kaleidoscopic swirl of propulsive rhythms, shimmering, hazy guitars, warm swathes of synths, and vaporous singing.” – Line Of Best Fithttps://linktr.ee/Cathedralbells Makeout City https://makeoutcityphl.bandcamp.com/ Blood Sound https://bloodsound.bandcamp.com/album/strawberry

Post Sex Nachos ~ The Jesters ~ Lazyacres

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Post Sex NachosWebsite | Facebook | Instagram  The Jesters “The Jesters are a DIY new wave-retro-alt-folk-punk-rock (also known as ‘indie’) band formed out of a Manayunk basement in 2022.” SpotifyLazyacres Starting out as a guitarist in the Philadelphia DIY scene & refining his own music and songwriting skills in the meantime, Lazyacres (Josh Owens) converts life experiences into a sincere, relaxing, surf-induced musical journey. Chock full of wistful lyricism and lackadaisical aesthetic melodies, his new 5-track EP ‘Rookie’ debuted in early Spring 2023. Josh is joined by great friends Anant Murty (lead guitar), Mason Jones (bass), and Brandon Pirrocco (drums).https://linktr.ee/lazyacreshttps://www.instagram.com/lazyacres.phl/

(hed) p.e. ~ Revenants ~ Heathen Sun

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM (hed) p.e.https://www.hedplanetearth.com/Revenants Hailing from the NJ/PA area, Revenants is a band that offers their unique twist to the Nü-Metalcore genre. With influences that include Korn, Loathe, Slipknot, and Left To Suffer, Revenants gives the listener a full on sonic assault with dynamics to help keep you on your toes. Formed in 2021 by rhythm guitarist Tyler and lead vocalist Scarlet, they soon met bass player Dan and lead guitarist Chris. The band became fully solidified with the addition of Nick on drums a few months after. Since then, the band has been working on putting the finishing touches on their eventual debut EP “Dead Inside & Still Alive”.https://instagram.com/revenantsmusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=https://www.facebook.com/revenantsmusic?mibextid=LQQJ4dHeathen Sunhttps://www.facebook.com/heathensun?mibextid=LQQJ4d

Cenotaph ~ Horrific Visions ~ Architectural Genocide

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Cenotaph  https://cenotaph666.bandcamp.com/music https://www.facebook.com/cenotaphtur/ https://youtu.be/YjKEym6LWb0 https://youtu.be/bmbO23LcpE4   Horrific Visions  https://www.facebook.com/hvsabd https://youtu.be/FduT1A1N1tQ   Architectural Genocide  https://www.facebook.com/architecturalgenocide https://youtu.be/EFxKsdClbv0  

Heffner ~ Have a Good Season ~ Tennis Courts

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMHEFFNERAthens, Ga’s Heffner works with a speed and urgency of a young band but with a sense of lyrical wisdom and musical breadth of a much more seasoned group. With all the forcefulness and immediacy of 21st century power pop, classically aggressive post punk, and even sections of ’70s glam. Their debut self-titled record saw them through new opportunities with the likes of Futurebirds, Coin and Modern Skirts. Their sophomore album, Perfect Heaven, catapulted them into regional success and turned them into Athens’ new hometown heroes. With the recent release of their latest single Truck its apparent that whatever comes next will be their best writing yet, and as a live act they have blossomed into a must see group keeping the spirit of southern rock n roll alive and well.https://www.heffnerband.com/ Have a Good SeasonHave a Good Season is a power trio from Eatontown, NJ. Consisting of vocalist/guitarist Nic Palermo, bassist Daniel Stattner, and drummer Dan Sakumoto, HAGS has crafted a signature sound that refuses to fit neatly inside any genre’s box. Drawing influences from the likes of Dinosaur Jr. and American Football, their music channels the nostalgic indie rock sound of the 80s and 90s, coupled with hard hitting lyricism and emotive delivery that sets them apart from your typical emo band. Playing together since 2012, the trio has honed in on their craft and toured the northeast and midwest regions, playing in DIY spaces and opening for acts including Jeff Rosenstock, Slaughter Beach Dog, Cymbals Eat Guitars, and more. With their new full length LP “Shapes I’ve Never Seen,” HAGS is ready for their songs to find their way into your head, your heart, and onto your playlists.https://haveagoodseason.bandcamp.com/album/shapes-ive-never-seenTENNIS COURTSHey 🙂 We’re Tennis Courts from Brooklyn 🌸https://linktr.ee/tenniscourts 

Spitalfield ~ Shane Henderson of Valencia ~ Rookie Of The Year (The Loft)

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 8:00 PM Spitalfieldhttps://victoryrecords.bandcamp.com/album/remember-right-nowShane Henderson of Valenciahttps://shanehendersonandthefutureperfect.bandcamp.com/album/controlRookie Of The Yearhttps://www.instagram.com/rookieoftheyearofficial/?hl=en

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