Whackbat ~ Sloptart ~ Pale Fang

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM WHACKBATWhackbat is a 3-piece American rock band from Philadelphia, PA. Strongly influenced by Pavement, Modest Mouse, and Thin Lizzy. If you knew them, you’d see their faces. “Whackbat is the best f*cking band. Period. We ball. You gotta be kiddin’ me.” – Bill Nyehttps://www.instagram.com/whackbat.band/https://open.spotify.com/artist/4mStbR70ZI7nt2ftsPzYi0SLOPTARTThree punk rock kids bringing you Philly brat punk and making you dance. https://www.instagram.com/sloptart.xoxo/https://open.spotify.com/artist/4EnuEVnDOqgDZcJvfdyyrV?go=1&sp_cid=c7a28a463d98cdabeeacaa0c0e2770f8&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1PALE FANGPale Fang is a 4-piece Psych-Punk band from Allentown, PA. Active since 2022, the band has been performing throughout the surrounding Eastern PA area. Post-punk / Garage-punk influenced and often compared to Osees, A Place to Bury Strangers, and Dead Moon. https://www.instagram.com/pale_fang/https://palefang.com/ 

Tallies ~ Nylon Ghost ~ Path

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMTALLIESTwo years after the release of their critically acclaimed, self-titled debut album, Toronto-based indie pop outfit TALLIES are preparing to defy all expectations with their hotly anticipated new single, “No Dreams of Fayres”. A lilting yet powerful opus culled straight from the dreampop ether, it is both a direct continuation of the band’s sound, and an evolution into a stronger, wiser, and more mature version of TALLIES.“No Dreams for Fayres” is TALLIES’ first release on new label Bella Union, a partnership that was written across the indie pop firmament since the band’s beginnings. Run by ex-Cocteau Twins bassist Simon Raymonde, Bella Union’s ethos aligns perfectly with TALLIES’ dedication to immersing themselves in the label’s signature sound. “Putting out a record with one of our heroes is extremely cool,” explains Dylan, “being on Bella is a really big deal for us.”  Produced by Graham Walsh (Holy Fuck) and Dylan Frankland of the band at Palace Sound, Baskitball 4 Life and Candle Recording in Toronto.https://tallies.bandcamp.com/album/patinaNYLON GHOSTNylon Ghost is a band that thrives on the power of friendship. Comprised of a group of musicians who have known each other since high school, their bond is what drives their music forward. Over the years, they have each explored different creative paths, delving into different genres and experimenting with different sounds.
In 2020, the band came back together with a renewed sense of purpose and urgency. Trapped inside their homes, they quickly got to work on a small collection of songs that spoke to the things that really mattered to them. Almost three years later, they headed to Spice House Sound in Fishtown to record their debut EP, Reunion.
Nylon Ghost’s music is the product of over a decade of change, growth, and friendship. Their unique sound blends elements of indie rock, pop, and country music to create something truly special. With soaring melodies and introspective lyrics, their songs capture the highs and lows of the human experience in a way that is both honest and relatable.
At the heart of Nylon Ghost’s music is their unwavering commitment to each other and their shared vision. Their friendship is what sets them apart and makes their music truly authentic.https://nylonghost1.bandcamp.com/PATHPath is the recording project of Philadelphian Sam Keeler. Since coming together in 2017, Path have released two full length LPs and six singles. Their undeniably rich and emotional sound, solidified by sparkling guitars, warm electric piano, and a tight rhythm section, has helped Path cement themselves as one of the true hidden treasures of northeastern indie rock and folk music. If you know, you know.   Path’s third album You’re Gonna Be Alright was recorded by Keeler at his home in Kensington, Northeast Philadelphia. Much like Philadelphian contemporaries Spirit of the Beehive, Alex G and Adam Granduciel, Keeler opts to create music in his own space. Most of the members of Path support their creative venture by working in Philadelphia restaurants.  Path have performed alongside acts such as Trace Mountains, Goon, Wild Pink, Lazy Eyes, Neighbor Lady, Daniel Donato, and others.https://withkoji.com/@pathsongs

Morbid Cross ~ Neverfall ~ Red Brick

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMMORBID CROSSNew Jersey Trash.https://open.spotify.com/artist/5PQai478aYck4AdBe5gDvM?si=rA8ZzAaOQNOVrLdfaSWygg&dd=1NEVERFALLSouth Carolina Thrashhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/3q39jk9EaIzf92E3XIiXWA?si=08uknRnET8ue0QZbTBHlcg&dd=1RED BRICKPhilly False Sludgehttps://redbrickanger.bandcamp.com/album/gastric

Yeah0k! ~ Tiefling ~ Holidaykiss ~ boygrrl

**All shows 21+—valid ID required**Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PMYEAH0K!Hot trans music girl who makes music for other hot trans girls . Co-founder of the music collective SeraphimSpotifyTIEFLINGYTiefling (AKA Dj Tief, FKA Boy Tox) is the DIY solo project of Boston based multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, artist, and producer Jack Salvucci.Unbound by genre, medium or traditional boundaries, tief frequently bounces between disparate styles, including ambient, hyperpop, indie, electronica, neoclassical, and noise, among others. Her music emphasizes rhythm and texture, building complex wholes out of simple blocks.Her Second album was released September under the name Dj Tief, and features her first serious foray into electronic music. No one is sure what she has planned next but she has asserted it will be very different from dj tief’s burner phone.SpotifyInstagramBandcampHOLIDAYKISSdigital singer-songwriter . internet music . roadside wildflowers at full speed .MusicBOYGRRLMusic

Tómarúm ~ Volcandra ~ Lost Continent

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PMTómarúmhttps://tomarum.bandcamp.com/album/ash-in-realms-of-stone-iconsVolcandrahttps://volcandra.bandcamp.com/Lost ContinentFusing the complexity of technical death metal with the groove, stomp, and DIY ethos of hardcore, Philadelphia’s Lost Continent plays a vicious amalgamation of choice cut inspiration pulled from all corners of heavy music.http://www.lostcontinent.bandcamp.com/

Die Today ~ Family Garden ~ Treeknock ~ Terroreign

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:50 PM Die TodayIt’s just f*cking music from Richmond, VA.https://dietodayrva.bandcamp.com/track/spit-out-black-bloodFamily GardenVomited into existence in 2021. These 3 men born of human flesh and filled with heavens magic are cultivating an earthly garden.    Born From the Heavens is Family Garden’s debut album of “thrashing crust oddity” For fans of psychedelics, solitary walks in the woods, insomnia, and complete spiritual enlightenment through the power of rock and roll.http://www.cultofgarden.comTreeknockhttps://www.facebook.com/TreeknockTerroreignhttps://terroreignphilly.bandcamp.com/album/fragile-reality


**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 8:00 PMASADIInstagram // YouTube // Spotify XYEInstagram // Spotify 

Spanish Love Songs ~ FARSEEK

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 8:00 PM Spanish Love Songshttps://spanishlovesongs.bandcamp.com/FARSEEK FARSEEK is a rock band based out of Georgia and North Carolina. Since 2014, FARSEEK has been touring the eastern half of the country almost non-stop with bands such as Worst Party Ever, Snacking, and Kerosene Heights. In 2021, the band self-released their first studio album, Standstill. In 2023, they released their follow up EP, Intent, on Chillwavve Records. FARSEEK masterfully blends the poppy elements of bands like Bomb the Music Industry, the blistering country rock riffs of Dinosaur Jr., and the ethereal dreamy sounds of the World is a Beautiful Place to create their own unique sound. https://linktr.ee/farseek https://twitter.com/farseekx HTTPS://Farseek.bandcamp.com/ HTTPS://Instagram.com/farseekx

KNEECAP ~ Belaganas

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM KNEECAPCondemned by politicians, beloved by fans, kicked out of their own gigs, and packing festival tents to overflow, Kneecap are a cultural phenomenon. Since they emerged from a squat in West Belfast (Ireland), Kneecap have created their own genre of Irish punk rap, melding the Irish and English language with electrifying energy, and spearheading a cultural revival. With shows and tracks that flip between satirical performance art and rampageous raves, meet Móglaí Bap, Mo Chara, and DJ Provaí. Crashing into the consciousness with the release of, C.E.A.R.T.A., a track and video inspired by a police chase while protesting for Irish language rights, they’ve proceeded to run rampage across small rooms and massive festivals in Ireland, the UK, and the US, leaving a bemused media and captivated followers in their wake. Heralded by the New York Times, the LA Times, Dazed, Vice, i-D, the Guardian, and others, Kneecap’s irreverent, complex, and potent lyrics speak to a time of political upheaval, youthful rebellion and discontent, and a renewed urge to party. Kneecap is a movement, one about upending preconceptions about language and place, and reimagining what rap can be as a creative and cultural force, rooted in community, craic, and defiance.Belaganashttps://belaganas.bandcamp.com/

Ghost Funk Orchestra ~ Rudy De Anda ~ Party Nerves

**All shows 21+—valid ID required** Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM Ghost Funk OrchestraEach song on Ghost Funk Orchestra’s 3rd album, A New Kind of Love, resonates like the soundtrack to a scene from an imaginary movie. The music could score a romantic drama, an action thriller, or a modern twist on a classic film noir. The spare, cascading vocals accentuate the lush instrumental orchestrations composed, performed, arranged and produced by multi-instrumentalist Seth Applebaum, whose latest brainchild was conceived and conceptualized during The Great Pause of 2020, a time of tension, bewilderment and isolation. Evoking the grooviness of an era which preceded his arrival on earth, Applebaum draws upon sonic devices of mid-century exotica and the succinct but dense arranging style of the leaders of the pop orchestras which dominated the hit parades of the 60s and early 70s. He blends impressions of this bygone era with an expression of his actual experiences as a young filmmaker coming of age in the 21st century, citing influences such as Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings and Antibalas. A New Kind of Love encompasses a reverence for the past without attempting to recreate it.https://anniversarygroup.com/Ghost-Funk-OrchestraRudy De AndaBorn in the 1980’s in Mexico and brought to California, Rudy de Anda’s debut solo album, “Tender Epoch” (2020) is a love letter to the long historical lineage of rock ‘n’ roll music interpreted through his multicultural lens. “I write my own history; I don’t want to be defined by defined by any one scene,” De Anda proclaims about his personal journey, and his ability to adapt and flit between cities and cultures is part of the reason L.A. Record has called his sound “deliberately difficult to categorize, familiar but novel at the same time.”https://anniversarygroup.com/Rudy-De-AndaParty NervesParty Nerves makes fast, weird instrumental surf music that’s been filtered through a bad dream; slight bummer vibes but totally danceable.  Someone called it ‘post-surf’ once and they liked that enough not to question it.  Composed of a Brit (Woolly, guitar), a Ukrainian (Pavlo, drums) and an American (Mike, bass), they’re two foreign nationals cashing in on American culture from the help of an insider. https://www.instagram.com/partynerves/https://partynerves.bandcamp.com/album/put-a-load-on-come-back-mangledhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/6xM67DJ3lha7b0l7UTenAq

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