DarkFly ~ Steal the Night ~ Denim Dennis
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM DarkFlyhttps://www.instagram.com/darkflyband/ Steal the Nighthttps://www.instagram.com/_stealthenight_/ Denim Dennishttps://denimdennis.com/
Pocket Vinyl ~ Lo-priestess ~ Rescue Pets
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM Pocket Vinylhttps://pocketvinyl.bandcamp.com/ Lo-priestessLo-priestess, based out of Philadelphia, PA, pushes a delicate, melancholic chamber pop sound informed by trip-hop, vocal jazz, and singer-songwriter stylings. At the core of the band are Gina LC (Dear Forbidden) and Scott Radway (solo artist, ex-Polkadot Cadaver), both of whom hail from louder, more frantic musical environments.https://lopriestess.bandcamp.com/music Rescue PetsMusical project of Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter Samantha Goodman.https://rescuepets.bandcamp.com/
quickly, quickly ~ The Santo Casúr
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM quickly, quicklyThe new quickly, quickly EP finds Portland, Oregon’s Graham Jonson back in his home studio, engrossed in ‘60s psychedelic soul music, imagining some bygone era where it was all about the drum sounds and tape decay. He calls it Easy Listening; the songs are short and inviting, modest yet loaded with ideas. Each started with the drum part, a loose grid for Jonson to paint his idiosyncratic psych-pop across, again playing nearly every instrument. The set follows his 2021 LP, The Long And The Short of It, the 22-year-old musician’s debut on Ghostly International, a coming-of-age jump from the chill beats-oriented corners of the internet to a full-fledged songwriting project with hi-fi sophistication. The moment culminated with Pitchfork’s Rising profile, “quickly, quickly’s Technicolor Pop Bursts Beyond the Algorithm,” and kickstarted the formation of his 6-piece live band for a run of exploratory shows along the west coast. But as the tangible demands for his music pulled him outward and some growing pains in his personal life ensued, Jonson focused his energy back inside; to the comforts of home recording, filling his space with more gear and sessions with friends. Maybe a bit of a droll title for a hard time, Easy Listening briefly pauses for air, offering five of his breeziest basement jams for public enjoyment. https://quicklyquickly.bandcamp.com/ The Santo Casúr https://thesantocasur.bandcamp.com/
Mint Field ~ Public Memory
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:00 PM Public Memory (Instagram | Spotify | Bandcamp)Public Memory creates music from the corners of the psychic landscape. Gritty atmospherics and damaged synthesizers invoke trip hop, dub, krautrock, and blend with a mixture of electronic and organic percussion, shadowy production + emotive singing.His all-hardware-based sound is lush, romantic and supernatural. A sense of urgency and unpredictability is present with a touch of improvisation, tied together by producer Robert Toher’s spectral tenor. For fans of 1990s Bristol trip hop, coldwave, and Thom Yorke’s The Eraser. Mint Field (Instagram | Spotify | Bandcamp)Mexico City based band is guided by Estrella del Sol and Sebastian Neyra. Mint Field explores the nostalgia and the melancholy of daily life with loud guitars and ethereal vocals that bring to life a unique way of doing shoegaze. Exploring and experimenting with different genres like ambient, dream pop and shoegaze sounds, Mint Field creates a mesmerizing experience to escape to.
Olivia Barton ~ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:00 PM Olivia BartonOlivia Barton writes songs that sound like stream-of-consciousness journal entries—because they are. Olivia asks and answers questions in real time, taking you through a “diary of the healing process” (Sound of Boston). The 90s-inspired folk-pop songs live in a raw but playful space Olivia (sort of) jokingly describes as “somewhere between Elliott Smith and Hilary Duff.” After releasing her sophomore album This is a Good Sign at the end of 2022, she is gearing up for her biggest year yet supporting Lizzy McAlpine’s full US tour in spring of 2023. This is a Good Sign has been written about in publications such as Stereogum and Brooklyn Vegan, charted at #3 on college radio, featured on Spotify editorial playlists, and gained the attention of dream collaborators, including Madi Diaz, Carol Ades, and Evan Stephens Hall of the band Pinegrove. The album’s opening track, “I Don’t Sing My Songs” is reflective of Olivia’s infectious ability to hold darkness and light in the same hand, starting by directly facing reality: “I stay inside / I call my dad / I wait to feel” and ending with an inner knowing: “Good feelings are so possible within me.” She leaves you feeling cracked open, seen, and vibrating with hope in the connectedness of things. Brittany Ann TranbaughBrittany Ann Tranbaugh (pronounced TRAN-baw) is a Philadelphia-based songwriter whose queer Americana heartbreaker “Kiss You” won Song of the Year in the 2021 John Lennon Songwriting Contest. Tranbaugh has been writing songs and playing shows as a side gig since she was a teenager, but in February 2023, at 31 years old, she finally quit her office job to pursue a full-time career in music. Her newest release is a self-titled EP produced by Grammy-winner Tyler Chester which showcases Tranbaugh in her new era: energetic, self-assured, surrounded by her beloved musical community, and more commanding as a vocalist and writer than ever before.
Dana and Alden ~ Ghais Guevara
THIS SHOW IS ALL AGES, 21+ WITH ID TO DRINK. UNDER 21 MUST PURCHASE AA TICKET OPTION. Dana and AldenTheir debut album, Quiet Music for Young People, is an amalgamation of their childhood, melding memories of summer days spent working at an apple orchard, and rainy winter nights where they jammed at cozy jazz clubs. These retrospective moments are channeled through the lens of their wide- ranging influences, from Ahmad Jahmal to Big Thief to Bad Bunny. Alden, the younger of the two, is a drummer and recent graduate of Berklee College of Music, while Dana, the elder statesmen, is a saxophonist and organic farm inspector in Durham, NC. https://dana-alden.com/ Ghais Guevarahttps://ghais.bandcamp.com/album/goyard-comin-exordium-deluxe
Oso Oso ~ Pictures of Vernon ~ Brackish
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:00 PM Oso Osohttps://www.osoosoband.com/ Pictures of VernonPictures of Vernon is a twinkly emo band from NC started in late 2014. Influences include: Tiny Moving Parts, Algernon Cadwallader, Brave Bird, The Hotelierhttps://picturesofvernon.bandcamp.com/ BrackishBrackish was formed in Philadelphia during 2015. In that time they’ve toured Northeastern and Midwestern America, released a full length album amongst multiple EP’s and singles, and played with some of their favorite national touring acts. This is where we find Brackish in 2024, self-releasing their newest effort “Rear View” – an EP of eclectic songs recorded, mixed, and mastered by drummer Zach Miller with the assistance of guitarist Tim Fitzpatrick. https://brackish.bandcamp.com/
Best Bear ~ Super Cassette ~ Glass Prince ~ Monstera
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 6:30 PM Best Bearhttps://bestbear.bandcamp.com/album/when Super CassetteSomewhere between a solo bedroom-pop act and an indie rock quartet, Super Cassette has specialized in producing driving, insidiously catchy power pop since 2016.https://supercassetteband.bandcamp.com/album/continuehttps://bestbear.bandcamp.com/album/when Glass Princehttps://glassprince.bandcamp.com/album/theres-no-such-thing-as-bad-weather-only-bad-clothes-demo Monsterahttps://monstera-phl.bandcamp.com/
Cherry Blossoms ~ OTC Collective ~ Naked Hugs
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM Cherry Blossomshttps://cherryblossomsmusic.bandcamp.com/ OTC Collectivehttps://otccollective.bandcamp.com/album/the-sanctuary Naked Hugshttps://nakedhugs.bandcamp.com/
Rescue Pets ~ Dear Season ~ Birds? ~ Pianta
AGE RESTRICTION: Only Ages 21+ can purchase tickets for this show. NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES for anyone underage who purchases or attempts to use these tickets. Doors: 6:30 PMShow: 7:00 PM Rescue PetsLush jams inspired by 90s alt rock and modern indie pop.Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4k1KGkqLRsHE3ZbblZzu1o?si=-sukpgk-SGqMPLt9k4xi8A Bandcamp: https://rescuepets.bandcamp.com/track/moving-fast-standing-still FB: https://www.facebook.com/rescuepetsmusic Dear Season Birds? Birds? is a rock band based out of West Chester PA composed of Sam Stewart, Jon Miranda, Chris Swantek, and Nate Gittelman. Birds? has one EP out titled “Birds? Demo” on all streaming platforms, and has a new album in, “Pecking Order” in the works for this summer. You can support Birds? by coming out to a show, following them and checking them out on social media, or picking up some merch on our Band camp. Birds? Spotify Birds? Instagram Birds? Facebook Pianta: Providing fruit rock for island hoppers